
My research work
Code and tutorials of my publications.

  • Learning Free Manuscripts Line Detection using Distance Transform Graph

    [paper] [project] [tutorial]

  • Writing Style Invariant Deep Learning Model for Historical Manuscripts Alignment

    [paper] [project] [tutorial]

  • Alignment of Historical Handwritten Manuscripts using Siamese Neural Network

    [paper] [project] [tutorial]

  • Scribble Based Interactive Page Layout Segmentation using Gabor Filter

    [paper] [project] [tutorial]

  • VML-HD: The Historical Arabic Documents Dataset for Recognition Systems

    [paper] [project] [tutorial] [dataset]

  • Word Spotting using Radial Descriptor

    [paper] [project] [tutorial]

My non-research work
Code and tutorials of my coding projects.

  • Recipes!

    It contains the basics of MERN stack development. It has a database (MongoDB), model (Mongoose), back-end api(Express), and front-end consisting of React components, containers, Redux store, Reducers and Sagas, and Material-UI.

    [project] [react] [redux store] [redux saga] [simple login] [binary data upload] [back-end api] [mongoose] [material-ui]